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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



a row of silver and black washing machines

Washing Machines

By: Junior Alvarado, Journalist

5 fun facts about Washing machines : vinegar can clean your washing machine. you can kill germs with hot water. The washing machine uses a lot of water. The washing machine is easy to use. ...

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a photograph of the Spinshot Tennis Ball Macine

Tennis Ball Shooter – Inside And Out

By: Eric Ji, Journalist

Tennis ball shooters are used by casual and professional tennis players around the world.  Tennis ball shooters help improve the tennis player's skills.  These attributes include, reaction time, accuracy,...

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white front load washing machine

History Of The Washing Machine

By: Sarbagya Adhikari, Journalist
The first versions of the modern washing machine first appeared in the 19th century. The portable mechanism was rather simple, consisting of a tub base, paddles or rods, and a handle that twisted the rods.
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ford motor factory - black and white

Automated Mass Production – Are They Worth The Investment?

By: Christopher Yang, Journalist
The first full-incorporation of the mass production line was used by the industrialist Henry Ford, the CEO of Ford Motors and a pioneer in the strategies of production lines. He simplified the formula for efficiency by creating one chain of cars that were the exact same, so he could rely on non-specialized workers to focus on one section of assembly.
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Gray metal chain in close up photography

How Chain is Made

By: Desmond Kraft, Journalist
Chains have been around for a long time. But how are these staples of heavy lifting and industrial machinery made?
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By: Fox Burton, Journalist
The Hindenburg, how it worked, and how it all ended.
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Iron Lung

By: Fox Burton, Journalist
How an iron lung works, and its history.
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"photocopy" by _DJ_ is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

About Copy Machines And How They Work

By: Taryn Heuvelman, Journalist
We use copy machines in our everyday lives, so come read this article to learn about this amazing machine.
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"Water wheel-driven gasoline-making perpetual-motion machine HDR" by Darron Birgenheier is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Perpetual Motion Machines, And Why They Never Work.

By: Aidan Musgrove, Journalist
Perpetual motion machines are machines that move forever, either by powering themselves or flipping weights.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology