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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



person wearing white leather ice skate

Figure Skates vs. Hockey Skates

By: Megan Lai, Journalist
While hockey and figure skating are both sports that take place in ice rinks, the two sports are completely different, solely because of the rules, and the skate. Read this article to find out more about the differences between the two sports' skates.
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person playing ice hockey

Hockey Pucks

By: Shiryu Gibson, Journalist
A Hockey Puck is used for a sport named hockey. Hockey is a pretty big sport in North America and is played in an arena.
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man wearing green and white ice hockey jersey while playing

The Hockey Stick

By: Luke Sangkharat, Journalist
The hockey stick is a complicated work of art.
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"Hockey Board Curves" by NedraI is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

The Engineering Behind Hockey

By: Ben Pollack, Journalist
There are many pieces of engineering that go into the sport hockey and they are all really important
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"Ovechkin With Puck on Stick and Tongue on Chin" by clydeorama is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Hockey Vs Soccer; Which Is Better?

By: Ben Pollack, Journalist
A topic debated around the world. I think that Hockey is better then Soccer and I have a few reasons why.
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What Ice Rinks Are Made Of

What Ice Rinks Are Made Of

By: Rishithasree Poshala, Journalist
Everybody knows that hockey is played on ice and ice is frozen water. But did you know that not all ice is the same?
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What goes into making a hockey stick?

What goes into making a hockey stick? A lot of technology and engineering goes into making a hockey stick for some of the best players in the world. Hockey sticks started very simple and...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology