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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Small Plastic Beads That Generate Electricity Could Replace Fossil Fuels

Small Plastic Beads That Generate Electricity Could Replace Fossil Fuels

By: Ethan Page, “Journalist”
Small Plastic Beads That Generate Electricity Could Replace Fossil Fuels. These Balls Create Large Amounts Of Electricity.
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Carbon Negative Concrete

Scientists Electrify Water To Create Carbon

By: Jordan Jeon, Journalist
In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a way to use seawater to create a new kind of cement that can help fight climate change. This new cement is made by using electricity to turn seawater into a material that absorbs carbon dioxide from the air.
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clothes hanged on brown wooden hanger

Producing Electricity By Wearing Clothes

By: Liam Daquioag, Journalist
What if you could change your devices just by wearing a shirt? This new material might bring that into reality.
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white round corded device on table

How Wireless Chargers Work

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
We all have probably used wireless chargers to charge our devices before. Now, learn about the different types of wireless chargers and how they work.
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brown electric post on brown grass field during daytime

Utility poles: what they are and how they work

By: Lucas Montes, Journalist
Utility poles. You've likely seen them on a walk or while you're playing outside, and you may have thought to yourself, "Where does that pole get electricity from?" Or, "How does that thing work?" I will be covering that today, and our journey starts at a power plant. Power lines power everything we know, just to name a few: light poles, our homes, and buildings near us.
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close up photography of light bulb

How Simple Circuits Work

By: Simrin Puri, Journalist
Explore the en-LIGHT-ening world of electricity! Read about electric circuits and how they work.
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Cold Fusion, And How To Use It

Cold Fusion, And How To Use It

By: Marcus Ryan, Journalist
Fusion is the process of taking to atoms, and smashing them together so much that they make a new element and in doing so, releasing huge amounts of energy. The sun produces energy constantly, and it does so by fusion.
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Courtesy of Ashutosh Vashishtha

Electricity Generating Table

By: Meg Lagera, Journalist
In many places such as India and Africa, a simple daily necessity, electricity, is lacked of. Ashutosh Vashishta has created a table that can quickly generate electricity to solve this extreme issue. With this table, he want to help the 23 million homes in India without access to electricity and the rest of the world that lacks of this bare minimum to be able to have the electricity to study and finish their work into the night.
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Newer, Safer, Batteries

Newer, Safer, Batteries

By: Tiger Deng, Journalist
A new battery has just been invented. Is the battery industry about to be flipped upside down?
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"Northeast Solar Energy Research Center" by Brookhaven National Laboratory is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Heliogen: The Future of Renewable Energy

By: Victor Cao, Journalist
Fossil fuels are by far the greatest contributor to global warming, accounting for over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The sun has enough energy to power the entire world if it is evenly distributed.
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electrical cable wire

What Happens When You Get Electrocuted

By: Ali Iskandar, Journalist
You may have wondered what happens to your body when you get electrocuted, well...  
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How we Built a Two Bulb Flashlight

Instead we decided to 3-D print our shell (outer part), because with the two bulb design, a normal flashlight shell wouldn't allow us to fit everything. Finally, we take the wire that is attached to the battery holder (the side that has a bump), and we solder that wire to the other side of the diode that has the resistor attached to it. 
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology