Fusion is the process of taking to atoms, and smashing them together so much that they make a new element and in doing so, releasing huge amounts of energy. The sun produces energy constantly, and it does so by fusion. Within the sun, the gravity and heat is so high, atoms within turn into a soup of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Usually, subatomic particles of the same charge repel each other but in the high energy, high speed environment of the sun, there isn’t enough time for the protons and electrons to do so.
What we are trying to do is different. We are trying to take a small fuel pellet, and blast it with lasers to the point of fusion, and harvest the energy from the massive reaction. Another way to do fusion is to ram high energy subatomic particles at each other at insane speeds to create fusion. A type of nuclear bomb called a “hydrogen bomb” already produces fusion, but it is uncontrolled and very dangerous. On the contrary, fusion reactors are very safe, and if one were to lose control of the reaction, instead of melting down like a regular nuclear reactor, the gas inside just expands, cools, and becomes inert.
There is possibility of the fuel; Tritium leaking out and contaminating the surrounding area, but it’s radioactive field is so weak, it can’t even penetrate your skin. The optimal fuel for cold fusion is not some hyper reactive, radioactive element, the best fuel is none other than hydrogen, but not normal hydrogen but a, slightly radioactive, rare isotope called Tritium. Tritium is extremely rare on earth but the moon is a different story. In the future when travel to the moon is more efficient, we may find ourselves setting up entire mining operations just to extract this precious resource.
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