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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Solar Balloons

Solar Balloons

By: Anmol Shankhi, Journalist
A solar balloon is a hot air balloon that gains the ability to float when the air inside the balloon is heated by solar radiation or the sun's heatwaves. Solar Balloons are usually made out of black or dark balloon material. The heated air inside the balloon is less dense than the air that surrounds it making it like a hot air balloon.
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woman doing research while holding equipment

$7 DIY Changes the Future of Cancer Drug Testing

By: Rachel Cao, Journalist
A large breakthrough in technology revolutionizes anti-cancer drug testing. This DIY (do-it-yourself) device can have an enormous impact on the future of cancer drug testing and can unlock unknown possibilities.
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Mechanisms Of Plumbing

Mechanisms Of Plumbing

By: Raina Gullo, Journalist
The word, plumbing comes from the Latin word for lead, plumbum.
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DIY Apple Charging Dock

DIY Apple Charging Dock

By: Bryan Contreras, Journalist
Need a stylish dock for all your Apple things? This project is for you.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology