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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



All content by Raina Gullo

The Origin Of Volleyball

By: Raina Gullo, Journalist
Volleyball, formally called mintonette, is believed to be made in Massachusetts, the year of 1895, by William G. Morgan. The game was thought up as a combination of basketball, tennis, handball, and a little structure from baseball. The ball from basketball, the net from tennis, the handling of the ball from handball, and the innings, now known as sets, from baseball.

The Invention Of Chocolate Chip Cookies

By: Raina Gullo, Journalist
Have you ever thought about the origin of chocolate chip cookies? They can't have been around forever, even if they seem like an integral part of our society. 

Volleyball Basics

By: Raina Gullo, Journalist
Do you like sports? Volleyball is fun and popular, but before you play, you should have practiced, warmed up, and learned the rules. 

Torturous Tickling

By: Raina Gullo, Journalist
Tickling was used as a form or torture as early as A.D. 206 during the Chinese Han Dynasty. Back then, it was a punishment used for criminals as tickling does not leave evidence of torture on the body and the person being tickled recovers quickly as opposed to other forms of torture.

Mechanisms Of Plumbing

By: Raina Gullo, Journalist
The word, plumbing comes from the Latin word for lead, plumbum.
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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math
Raina Gullo