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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



"Transmission Tower" by elycefeliz is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

How Power Gets To Your Home

By: Miles Kastner, Journalist
It's always when you flip a switch or plug in a cord, but electricity has a long way to travel to get to your house. In fact, the electricity generating station may be hundred's of miles away.
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"Transistor, resistor" by oskay is licensed under CC BY 2.0

What are Transistors and Resistors?

By: Aidan Musgrove, Journalist
How to Transistors and Resistors work?
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Octagonal Wooden Mirror By Daniel Rozin

Daniel Rozin’s Mirrors

By: Caitlin Arnold, Reporter
“The mirror is doing more than taking your image, it is capturing something about your soul and showing it back to you. These amazing works of art wouldn’t be possible without the engineer and you."- Daniel Rozin
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Bionic Eye Changes Blind People's Lives?

Bionic Eye Changes Blind People’s Lives?

The way to beat and cheat on a test is the Improved Bionic Eye. It has been 3-D Printed and modified to beat the best. It has been used to cure blindness and was given to some soldiers to accurately shoot...

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The Future of Our Robot

The Future of Our Robot

We need the next group that is going to work on our project to program the wheels so they run along according to the controller. We will also need them to build a claw or an attachment of some sort to...

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Everything We've Done

Everything We’ve Done

We started off with organizing all of our pieces so they were easier to use. Then we realized to make a good robot we would want mecanum wheels, so we printed out a purchase order and gave it to...

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Extensive Researching

Extensive Researching

By: Jacob Yu

As we are somewhat stuck on programming the robot. Our group is currently conducting extensive researching to find out what the problem is. We have gone to many websites to hopefully find the answer to...

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Zip Ties For Our Wires

Zip Ties For Our Wires

We are building a robot and we had a problem, our wires were too loose and could've gotten stuck in our wheels. If this had happened, the wires would've gotten pulled out of the brain and the robot would...

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Pairing the Robot and the Controller

Pairing the Robot and the Controller

By: Jacob Yu

Through extensive research, we have figured out how to configure the controller and pair it with the robot. These are baby steps that are leading out of the programming roadblock. We are slowly gaining...

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Programming Roadblock

Programming Roadblock

By: Jacob Yu

Since we have started to program, we have experienced many difficulties communicating with the robot. We have tried many options and each one has failed. We will continue to try to send code to the robot....

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The Goal of our Robot Project

The Goal of our Robot Project

By: Jacob Yu

Now that we have a reasonable grasp on what we can achieve before the end of the year, Mr. Smith has proposed a plan/goal for us to complete. His proposal was for us to finish the base of our robot and...

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Programming our Robot

Programming our Robot

By: Jacob Yu

Now that the base of our robot is finished, we can start to program our robot to move. This will be very difficult since we have to start from scratch and our group members have limited experience with...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology