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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Humanoid Robot

China’s humanoid robot shows superhuman strength

By: Jordan Jeon, Journalist
Robots are getting extremely advanced. China's newest Laborer series can lift up to 132 pounds and is a marvel of modern technology.
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dinosaur skull artifact

Giant Dinosaur Fossil Found In China

By: Peyton Farahi, Journalist
Chinese researchers found a brand-new dinosaur fossil that's totally different from anything they've ever found before! It's from super, super long ago in the Early Jurassic era
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China Discovers 33 Foot Dinosaur Fossil

China Discovers 33 Foot Dinosaur Fossil

By: Jordan Jeon, Journalist
In 2015, China found a giant 33 foot fossil in the Formation of Yunnan Province, China.  The new species has been named Xingxiulong yueorum, and experts think it was an early Jurassic sauropod dinosaur.
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rocket ship photography

Why is China’s Space Program Such a Failure?

By: Kawa Gyatso, Journalist
China's space program has achieved significant milestones, including developing its own space station and successfully landing a rover on Mars. However, many are unaware of the risks involved.
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This shows the FK-4000 in action.

China’s New Weapon Can Fry Enemy Drones 2 Miles Away

By: Cooper Shealy, Journalist
China has recently unveiled a groundbreaking weapon capable of disabling enemy drones from nearly two miles away.
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red national flag

China Reveals Their New Model For Their UCAV

By: Kirin Hanson, Journalist
The CH-7 is an unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) that is able to fly at high altitudes and last a long time in the air. It was created by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).
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Donor Cell Therapy Helps Cure Autoimmune Disorders

Donor Cell Therapy Helps Cure Autoimmune Disorders

By: Kirin Hanson, Journalist
Three patients in China were the first to be treated from autoimmune disorders from modified donor cells. The trial for testing donor cells was led by Xu Huji, a rheumatologist at Naval Medical University in Shanghai.
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Mockup of the Chang'e 5 lander

China Lands on the Far Side of the Moon

By: Rory Peterson, Journalist
In the early hours of June 2, 2024, the Chinese Chang'e 6 lander touched down on the dark side of the Moon. This success marks the second time China has landed on the far side of the Moon, and the second time any country has landed there.
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white and black plane flying in the sky during daytime

China Plans To Fight SpaceX With A Reusable Rocket Program

By: Evin Diaz, Journalist
In response to progress in the US reusable rocket technology, especially being offered by SpaceX, Chinese space authorities have decided to launch a counter-offensive to lower the costs of its space programs.
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Wasserman, Todd. “Chinese Rocket Falls to Earth; Space Debris Problem Worsens.” CNBC, CNBC, 16 May 2020,

Rocket or Missile?

By: Ryan Wells, Journalist
A Chinese rocket could have become a missile.
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Image Source:  "Panda" by George Lu is licensed under CC BY 2.0


By: Erick Molina-Diaz, Journalist
Pandas are one of the laziest creatures ever.  They're also unintelligent.  They eat bamboo even though it's not nutritious so they have to eat 26 to 84 pounds of bamboo to maintain healthy and don't die of starvation.
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China Opens Gargantuan 34-Mile Mega Bridge

China Opens Gargantuan 34-Mile Mega Bridge

By: Jay Sikka

On October 24, China opened a huge six-lane mega-bridge connecting the mainland city of Zhuhai to Hong Kong and Macau with over 34 miles of elevated roadway. The Pearl River Delta supports a gargantuan...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology