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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



a close up of a plant with very long stems

Microplastics Are Making Bacteria Stronger

By: Liam Daquioag, Journalist
Microplastics have done great harm to our environment. Researchers have found another problem: Bacteria are getting stronger because of microplastics.
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person's left palm with bandage

Device That Shines a Light On Bacteria

By: Simrin Puri, Journalist
Chronic wounds affect a little less than 7 million Americans, and some of these wounds fail to heal due to infection. Recent research from New Keck Medicine of USC has suggested a more practical approach to detecting bacteria and infection. Read more to find out!
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person holding black framed eyeglasses

Reviving 100,000 Year Old Bacteria

By: Sir Pharaoh Carter, Journalist
Antibiotics and other natural microbial compounds are made by complex compounds produced by bacteria and we have only used currently living material to make these antibiotics but with the revival of old bacteria we can unlock a new world of antibiotics. Using tooth tartar from neanderthals and other humans, researchers were able to reconstruct many species from the oral bacteria.
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"Mosquito bite" by James Jordan is licensed with CC BY-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

What Happens If Mosquitos Go Extinct?

By: Kevin Le, Reporter
As summer starts to come, mosquitos have slowly come out with it. Have you ever thought about killing every single one of these annoying bugs?
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Bacteriophages: The Enemy Made Into A Medicine

By: Jackson Whitaker, Journalist

Bacteriophages are all over the world and they are on you right now. Don't worry they have been modded and they only target bacteria. This is a really big deal because bacteria are becoming very strong,...

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The First Bacteria Killing Robot

The First Bacteria Killing Robot

Have you ever been skeptical about your hotel bed sheets? All the bacteria and germs that may be on it? Well, CleanseBot is the world's first bacteria killing robot that you can take on any of your trips!...

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New Weapon Against Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

New Weapon Against Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria A molecule, named G0775, created to penetrate the double cell wall of gram-negative...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology