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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



jet on mid air

Why the EA- 18G Growler is a Nightmare for Enemy Air Defenses

By: Aidan Pham, Journalist
The EA-18G Growler is one of the most advanced electronic warfare aircraft ever built. The fighter jet is capable of blinding enemy radar and disrupting communications without firing a single missile.
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jet fighter creating sonic boom over the sea with ships

NASA Captures XB-1’s Supersonic Shock-wave As It Breaks The Sound Barrier

By: Aidan Pham, Journalist
An XB-1 aircraft’s shock waves created during a supersonic flight have been captured using specialized ground-based photography.  XB-1 made history as the first privately developed civil supersonic aircraft to break to sound barrier in the United States.
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Source: Library of Congress

Technological Advances in Weapons Throughout the Years

By: Josephine Huynh, Journalist
Wars have been started over many things, from something as insignificant as the killing of a pig to rising tensions and the assassination of a royal heir, we can see how people have disputed different matters throughout the years. Between all of the wars and conflicts that have happened in our world's history, there have been many technological advances and changes in the weaponry.
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"Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - Cessna 172." by Gary Danvers is licensed under

Real Pilots Use Microsoft Flight Simulator Video Game For Training

By: Gus Neuberg, Journalist
Microsoft flight simulator makes it a lot easier to train for a piloting license by lowering difficulty and cost.
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The Impact of Delivery Drones

The Impact of Delivery Drones

By: Ashton Gekhman, Journalist

If you have ever ordered an item off of amazon, you know that it's fast delivery. Only about 2-4 days. But what if I told you that Amazon is taking it a bit further. Now, Amazon's delivery drones have...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology