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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Widad Khalid

All content by Widad Khalid

The Dark Web

By: Widad Khalid, Journalist
The Dark web allows you to roam through the dark web without the fear of your actions being tracked or your browser history being exposed. Since the dark web is anonymous it’s a hotbed for criminal activity.

Jenifer Lopez Inspired Google Images

By: Widad Khalid, Journalist
21 years ago, Jenifer Lopez broke the internet with a green Versace and that’s why google image was born.

The Deep Web

By: Widad Khalid, Journalist
The largest part of the internet is the deep web. It’s not fully accessible using standard search engines like Google.

5 Companies Created By Accident

By: Widad Khalid, Journalist
This story showcases 5 major companies that were formed because of mistakes.

Earth 2 Is a Virtual Earth

By: Widad Khalid, Journalist
Earth 2, is a futuristic idea for another earth; a virtual 1:1 scale version of Earth.
"File:Địa cầu và Kepler-452b.png" by NhaBaoTreTuoi2008 is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

The Most Earth-Like Planet

By: Widad Khalid, Journalist
Kepler-452b is the first possibly rocky super-Earth planet found orbiting within the habitable zone of a star relatively similar to the Sun.
Instagram is Watching Us

Instagram is Watching Us

By: Widad Khalid, Journalist
Is Instagram watching and listening to you without your permission? Does Instagram have access to all the information on our phones? Are the new terms and conditions of the app invading our privacy? Are these just rumors?
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Widad Khalid