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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Mason Beasley

Karl Wenner: From Surgeon to Conservationist Farmer

By: Mason Beasley, Journalist
Karl Wenner had a pollution problem that leaked into the next to Upper Klamath Lake because his land flooded each winter. He solved this problem by creating a wetland on 70 acres of his 400 acre farm to help fix the pollution problem.

Nuclear Pasta Found To Be In Neutron stars

By: Mason Beasley, Journalist
When you looked at the head line did you think that "No way pasta in stars? Crazy!" Well no there's no real pasta in stars but instead we have atomic goop that takes the shape of several different pasta shapes.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Mason Beasley