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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Lucas Nguyen

The Iron Dome

By: Lucas Nguyen, Journalist
The Iron Dome is a military defence system protecting Israel and its people.

The German V-2 Rocket

By: Lucas Nguyen, Journalist

The V-2 Rocket is a German-designed rocket and considered to be the first long range ballistic guided missile in the world which was used post war by the Allies for their atomic warheads. How It Works The...

The Grenade

By: Lucas Nguyen, Journalist

A time-delay fragmentation anti-personnel hand grenade or a frag grenade is a object that is thrown to kill or maim enemy troops near the grenade. The way that grenades ensure maximum damage to the receiver...

P&G Water Purifier Packet

By: Lucas Nguyen, Journalist

Clean drinking water is very important for humanity's survival on our home we call Earth. But according to the UN, "1/6 people don't have clean drinking water" and have to drink dirty water which is...

Mitsubishi A6M “Zero”

By: Lucas Nguyen, Journalist

Its History The Mitsubishi A6M a.k.a "Zero" was  a single-seater propeller-driven  fighter aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Navy during WW2. It was designed by Horikoshi Jiro, produced by Mitsubishi...

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Ps5 Vs The Ps4 Pro and Which Should You Get?

By: Lucas Nguyen, Journalist

      By Lucas Nguyen Hello there, we are going to look at the Ps5 vs the Ps4 Pro to see which one you should get. In my Option, I say that you should get the Ps5 because of its higher specs than...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Lucas Nguyen