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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Ian Bilawski

Robot Factories Are Taking People’s Jobs

By: Ian Bilawski, Journalist
Robots will most likely replace up to 20 million factory jobs' by 2025 in the us alone If all factories in the world switch to robotics than the factories will put out multi million number of jobs.

ZERO-G Plane

By: Ian Bilawski, Journalist
A ZERO G flight is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience true zero gravity. without going to space! Flying on a specially modified Boeing 727, you will experience a no gravity environment that allows you to float, flip, and soar like an astronaut.

Urban Farming

By: Ian Bilawski, Journalist
Urban farming is a way that people that live in big city's can farm. The way that urban farming works is they put mini farms on tops of buildings. Urban farming was created to grow food in places with limited space.

What Would Happed If You Went Light Speed

By: Ian Bilawski, Journalist
If you went light speed a lot of things would change around you but what are they. One of these effects are that time would slow down if you went light speed You will have been gone for a total of 9 Earth-years and about 1.24 years
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Ian Bilawski