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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Claire Conley
3D printer can create complex biological tissues

3D printer can create complex biological tissues

An engineer from the UCLA has created a technique that makes use of specially designed 3D printer to build complex biological materials from different materials. This new technique is predicted to...

Tiny Robots Move and Think Like Insects

Harvard Microrobotics Lab have developed small insect like robots. The are called Robobees, and they have a wing-span of 3 centimeters and only weigh 80 milligrams. Many robots that look and move similar...

Bionic Bat

The company Festo has created a robot that looks and flies like a bat. It is called the Bionic Flying Fox. The Flying Fox takes its inspiration from large fruit bats, and Festo added light central...

Non-Profit in Michigan Creates Highway Test Facility for Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars have started to become a focus of the automotive industry. For years we couldn't of done this, but now having self-driving cars is becoming possible. With any new prototype, engineers...

NFL Down Line Technology

When watching football on T.V. you might not think much of the yellow down line broadcast for you. It seems as though it is painted on the field. How this is achieved is a very interesting process. First,...

How To Make a Pinhole Camera

A pinhole camera is an extremely simple type of camera. Simply put, a pinhole camera is a light-proof box with a small hole in it.  Light from a scene passes through the aperture (small hole) and projects...

SpaceX Launches Falcon Heavy

By: Claire Conley, Journalist
The rocket carried SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s red Tesla Roadster with “Space Oddity” by David Bowie playing on the stereo. It is now heading toward Mars. As to why the rocket is carrying this unique cargo; “I love the thought of a car drifting apparently endlessly through space and perhaps being discovered by an alien race millions of years in the future,” Musk tweeted in December.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Claire Conley