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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Camryn Swift

Titan: The Next Step

By: Camryn Swift, Journalist
The rotorcraft that can find Titian's features and potentially help us find our new home in the solar system.

Effects Of Music Therapy

By: Camryn Swift, Journalist
Music therapy is a effective type of trauma relief that everyone can do.
Aquaponics Beta Test

Aquaponics Beta Test

A summery of what we have learned about our small scale aquaponics system and our plans for the 2022-2023 school year.

Zebrafish Helping To Cure Cancer

By: Camryn Swift, Journalist
Zebrafish are super beneficial to cancer research and could help find the cure.

How Thermometers Work

By: Camryn Swift, Journalist
Thermometer are widely used all of the world, but how do these small, simple inventions work?

Finding The Perfect Running Shoes

By: Camryn Swift, Journalist
Running is a complex sport that requires complex shoes. Running shoes have many qualities that ensure you a great run.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Camryn Swift