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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Bayron Coreas

All content by Bayron Coreas

The Future Of Motorcycles

By: Bayron Coreas, Journalist
Can there be a super advanced motorcycle that can go a super high speed? The answer is yes, and motorcycles are no longer going to use gasoline.

Need for Speed PAYBACK

By: Bayron Coreas, Need for Speed PAYBACK
Need for Speed Payback, a game where you seek for races but also vengeance. You can race with 5 categories of cars.

Sonic Forces

By: Bayron Coreas, choreographer
But what is this...he created a new weapon to help him to conquer the world?


By: Bayron Coreas, Reporter

This game is very hard. It also can be easy but it depends on your cards and your strategy.  There are 100 cards. 24 of them are common.  Common cards are ..... the easiest one that you can find. 24...

Sonic Mania

By: Bayron Coreas, Reporter

The things I like about sonic mania is that there are even more maps than it used to be in the old sonic. Sonic mania is connected to another game, because at the end the magic rock or evil emerald  it...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Bayron Coreas