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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Anshul Nagle

Everything you need to know for climbing Mount Everest

By: Anshul Nagle, Journalist
Every day people love to climb Everest as a sport. Some try making it to base camp, and others to the top

Best Places to Go During Christmas

By: Anshul Nagle, Journalist
The United States is home to many festive and beautiful locations to celebrate the holiday season, making it difficult to choose just one as the best
The Best Gaming Mice

The Best Gaming Mice

By: Anshul Nagle, Journalist
You can ask any professional gamer what mouse do they have and they will say Roccat Kone Pro mouse, why get this mouse you may ask?
What is the best way to click?

What is the best way to click?

By: Anshul Nagle, Journalist

The Best Mouse   First, for fast clicking you wouldn't need a good mouse, you do not need to have an expensive mouse for gaming to have good CPS(Clicks Per Second). The average CPS is 6 with normal...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Anshul Nagle