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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Electricity Like a Pro

car engine bay

China Develops a High Preformance Hydrogen EV Battery

By: Benjamin Siegel, Journalist
China is making a revolutionary battery that will change EVs forever. The batteries will last longer and will have better performance than all the other batteries.
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Playstation 1

Playstation 1 Technology

By: Emerson Rodas Bermudez, Journalist
The Playstation 1 Was released on September 1995 with a big hit by selling their products. Kids, Teenagers and Adults were ready for an amazing experience of fun. How can we preserve our consoles for future years? How can we take care of them since now.
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brown electric post on brown grass field during daytime

Utility poles: what they are and how they work

By: Lucas Montes, Journalist
Utility poles. You've likely seen them on a walk or while you're playing outside, and you may have thought to yourself, "Where does that pole get electricity from?" Or, "How does that thing work?" I will be covering that today, and our journey starts at a power plant. Power lines power everything we know, just to name a few: light poles, our homes, and buildings near us.
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Upper atmospheric phenomena such as: Transient Luminous Emissions, and Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes

Upper Atmospheric Lightning

By: Tyler Cline, Journalist
Upper atmospheric lightning, also known as transient luminous events(TLEs), or ionospheric lightning is lightning and other phenomena that occur above where traditional lightning that most people know occurs. Some of these include Sprites, Elves, Jets, Trolls, Gnomes, Halos, and Pixies. They are less common than traditional thunder but occur during most thunderstorms
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close up photography of light bulb

How Simple Circuits Work

By: Simrin Puri, Journalist
Explore the en-LIGHT-ening world of electricity! Read about electric circuits and how they work.
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purple and white led light

The Worlds Most Powerful Laser

By: Declan Edwards, Journalist
The university of japan has the most powerful laser but the us's new laser is going to try to beat it.
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closeup photo of yellow lemon

Creating Electricity With Fruit And Vegetables

By: Nathan Brown, Journalist
when two different metals are put into the potato the salts in the potato creates a bridge between them and the electricity is created when the ions released from the salt travel from one metal to another.
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All About Wire

All About Wire

By: Javier Torrico, Journalist
Cables are so common in our lives that we don't always think about them.
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What are Electrical Capacitors

What are Electrical Capacitors

By: Darwin Hernandez, journalist

Electric capacitors are used to store electric energy in a circuit. In a circuit the capacitors stores energy where if the electrical charge is interrupted the electrical charge in the capacitors will...

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How An Incandescent Light Bulb Works

By: Fox Burton, Journalist
Incandescent light bulbs how they work and there parts.
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"Transmission Tower" by elycefeliz is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

How Power Gets To Your Home

By: Miles Kastner, Journalist
It's always when you flip a switch or plug in a cord, but electricity has a long way to travel to get to your house. In fact, the electricity generating station may be hundred's of miles away.
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How we Built a Two Bulb Flashlight

Instead we decided to 3-D print our shell (outer part), because with the two bulb design, a normal flashlight shell wouldn't allow us to fit everything. Finally, we take the wire that is attached to the battery holder (the side that has a bump), and we solder that wire to the other side of the diode that has the resistor attached to it. 
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Electricity Like a Pro