
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



Japan’s New Wooden Satellite

Can A Wooden Satellite Reduce Space Junk?

Japan is known for its innovative and futuristic approach to technology. With this comes new and revolutionary ideas such as the a new wooden satellite.

The wooden satellite is a joint project between Kyoto University and the Japanese company Sumitomo Forestry. The project aims to combat the growing problem of space junk. Space junk, also known as orbital debris, is made up of defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, and fragments from disintegration and collision. These pose a significant threat to other operational spacecraft.

The idea behind the wooden satellite is simple yet genius. Wood doesn’t block electromagnetic waves or the Earth’s magnetic field. Therefore, devices within the satellite could work without the need for additional sensors or antennas, potentially reducing the amount of metal needed.

On top of this, wood is highly resistant to changes in temperature and sunlight, properties that are beneficial in the harsh conditions of space. But, the most significant advantage of a wooden satellite is that it would burn up without releasing harmful substances into the atmosphere or raining debris onto the earth when it re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere.

The wooden satellite is expected to be launched in 2024. The success of this project could pave the way for more environmentally-friendly and sustainable options in space technology, reducing the impact of human activities on the space environment. It’s an ambitious project, but if successful, it may mark a significant step in our journey to explore and understand space.

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