The End of Internet Explorer
Microsoft is finally getting rid of one of its most criticized products: Internet Explorer. They announced that they will end their support for IE 11 on June 15, 2022. Microsoft will now be working solely on Microsoft Edge.
Once a monopoly, Internet Explorer’s use has been slowly declining. In 2010, it had 50% of the browser market. Today, it sits at a mere 5%, a 90% drop in one decade. For the past 5 years, Microsoft has been trying, unsuccessfully, to kill Internet Explorer. They hope that it will be replaced by Edge, which they claim is a better browser.
What is Microsoft Edge?
Edge is a browser by Microsoft that launched in 2015 that they hoped would someday take over IE. That day is almost here. According to Microsoft, “The new Microsoft Edge is powered by the same open-source technology as Google Chrome, providing best in class web and extension compatibility.” Sean Lyndersay, who is a Microsoft Edge program manager, says that Edge is faster and more secure than Internet Explorer ever was.