How Will The Universe End?
“Hubble’s colourful view of the Universe” by Hubble Space Telescope / ESA is licensed under CC BY 2.0
As you know, we all live in the Universe, but there is a question we all wonder, how will the Universe end? Today, I will be covering how the Universe will end but first, we need to identify what a Universe is… A Universe contains all of space and time that includes planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. People don’t know how the Universe is made so scientists believe that the Universe was created by The Big Bang theory. The Big Bang Theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the Universe. Now on to how the Universe will end, there have been many theories that we humans think on how the Universe would end but I would stick with the most reasonable theory, The ‘Big Freeze’. The ‘Big Freeze’, also known as the ‘Heat Death’ is the third theory that states that the Universe might end due to a big freeze. This theory has been believed to be true according to what we already know about physics and the Universe. The ‘Big Freeze’ happens when the Universe reaches its “maximum value”. Entropy comes from the thermodynamics that covers energy and specifically refers to the idea that everything in the Universe eventually moves from order to disorder. As a sequel, entropy is the measurement of that shift. Once the entropy reaches its maximum, the theoretical physicists believe that heat in the system will be distributed equally. This means that in the Universe there would be no room for usable energy or heat to exist, then the Universe would die to the cause of ‘Heat Death’. During the Big Freeze, the Universe would come so vast that the supplies of gas would spread so thin that no new stars can form. From time to time, the Universe would become an endless void with no energy left in the Universe.