Throughout the past couple of years, a rise in AI-generated frames has been seen in the gaming industry. This has been shown in the most recent release of the 50 series graphics cards from NVIDIA. These graphics cards at their base are not much better than the 40 series, however where they shine in AI frame generation being able to get up to 3 times the frames as they claim. This is a big problem because even though you are getting more frames the quality of the frames is poor at points but also because the frames are not native it increases the lag. For example, if native you’re on 30 frames per second and then the AI frame generation gets you up to 90, you will still be on the lag of 30 frames however you seeing 90. This can cause stutter and visual inconsistencies in your game-play. This has also impacted game developers, they have started to rely more on the AI-generated frames and rather than optimizing their game at all they would rather trust AI-generated frames to do it for them. This is a problem because the normal gamer doesn’t have the newest graphics card so the majority of people can’t run the newest titles on a reasonable amount of frames.