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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology




Nvidia Becomes Worlds Most Valuable Company Once Again

By: Zablon Worede, Journalist
Nvidia has recently achieved a groundbreaking milestone by surpassing Apple to become the world's most valuable company. Known for its powerful graphics cards and AI technology, Nvidia's market value shoup to about $3.45 trillion, getting past Apple's $3.35 trillion. This shift is making noise in the tech world.
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black android smartphone on brown wooden table

Why Is The Stock Market Crashing?

By: Kate Li, Journalist
The stock market contributes greatly to the economy and us, it helps raise money for businesses, helps us raise and invest money, etc. It already crashed once, during the Great Depression, what are the chances it will crash again?
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black flat screen computer monitor

The Stock Exchange And Shares

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
The stock exchange is a system where investors can buy and sell shares sold by different companies. The purpose of the stock exchange is for companies to able to raise money.
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How did the Stock Market Crash in 2000

How did the Stock Market Crash in 2000

By: Michael James, Journalist

The Stock Market Crash of 2000, also known as the Dot-Com Bubble Burst, was a significant event in financial history. It marked the end of a period of exuberant growth in the technology sector and had...

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Real Estate Vs Stocks: Which One Is Better?

By: Eythan Huang, Journalist
Want to know where to put your money? These are two incredible places where you can put your money and make a killing.
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a blue and white sign sitting on top of a table

The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

By: Luke Sangkharat, Journalist
Silicon Valley Bank, the provider for many VCs and innovative companies, has just collapsed and gone under. So why is this such a big deal?
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"GameStop" by JeepersMedia is licensed under CC BY 2.0

How the GME Stock Skyrocketed

By: Mohammedalfatah Naji, Journalist
10 years after occupy WallStreet, another economic protest has risen, but this time it is online. The stock went from only 3 dollars in April to about 350 as of January 27th.
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GameStop Exposed The Market

By: Yerix Fuentes, Reporter
The stock market of gamestop has gone up by 12,000%.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology