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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



How Sound Pollution Affects Whales

By: Rory Bierhanzl, Jounalist
Underwater noise Pollution can affect almost all marine life, causing stress, permanent hearing loss, or even some species resorting to leaving the area entirely, causing unnatural migration patterns that disrupt ecosystems. Noise pollution can not only disrupt a whale's lifestyle and living practices, but sound pollution can also hurt and cripple whales, due to their sensitivity to noise.
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a record player sitting on top of a wooden table

The History Of Phonographs

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
A phonograph is a record player, it has many names such as the gramophone, record player, and turntable. When users insert a phonograph record, the machine plays music. Let's see how this machine has evolved over time.
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a black background with a blue wave of light

Energy From Sound Waves

By: Salar Nasimov, Journalist
Energy can be harnessed from many sources, including the sun, wind, and water. However, a lesser-known source of energy is sound waves.
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Shepard’s Tone

By: Jorge Laboy-Bulancea, Journalist
Shepard's Tone is an auditory phenomenon that has captivated both scientists and artists since its discovery by cognitive scientist Roger Shepard in the 1960s. It is an auditory illusion that creates the perception of a continuous ascent or descent in pitch, despite there being no actual change in pitch.
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White Noise: How It Helps Sleep

White Noise: How It Helps Sleep

By: Mina Woods-Corwin, Journalist
White noise is something our brain can focus on instead of getting distracted by random noises. Often, loud noises aren't what wake people up, but the change in sound.
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Audio Mixing

Audio Mixing

By: Skyla Tran, Journalist
To put it simply, audio mixing is creating an audio (or a lot of the time, music) by putting tracks of sounds together to create a single stereo track. But that's just a simple explanation.
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"Chirk Castle - no noise sign" by muffinn is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Noise Pollution

By: Evan Nanthavong, Journalist

As humans are going throughout their day they probably hear hundreds of different noises. Nowadays, we have machinery and devices that produce a large amount of sound. Have you ever wondered what harmful...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology