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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Stealth Materials

Stealth Materials

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist

In 2006, a team of U.S. and British scientists demonstrated the world's first working "invisibility cloak." The team, led by Sir John Pendry, created a small device 12cm across that redirects microwave...

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Korean Scientists Are Working On Solving Issues With Explosive Batteries And Are Promising A 620-mile range For Future Electric Vehicles

Korean Scientists Are Working On Solving Issues With Explosive Batteries And Are Promising A 620-mile range For Future Electric Vehicles

By: Munir Noori, Journalism
Discover how researchers at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology are tackling the challenges of next-gen batteries! With their innovative quasi-lithium electrode material, electric vehicles could achieve an impressive 1,000 kilometers on a single charge.
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Small Plastic Beads That Generate Electricity Could Replace Fossil Fuels

Small Plastic Beads That Generate Electricity Could Replace Fossil Fuels

By: Ethan Page, “Journalist”
Small Plastic Beads That Generate Electricity Could Replace Fossil Fuels. These Balls Create Large Amounts Of Electricity.
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highway, light trail, long exposure, speed, traffic, spotlight, night, lights, brake lights, night photograph, movement, tracer, taillights, lights track, highway, highway, highway, highway, highway, speed, speed, speed, traffic, traffic, traffic

Frozen Light

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
A team of scientists in Italy have managed to freeze light in place for an entire minute. The frozen light behaved like a supersolid, which is a state of matter when something is both a solid and a liquid.
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Dinosaur Footprints From 200 Million Years Ago Found In Australia

Dinosaur Footprints From 200 Million Years Ago Found In Australia

By: Darwin Cabrera, Journalist
How Dinosaur Footprints Were Found And What They Were Like And What They Did And As Well As How They Found Out How They Detected The Type Of Dinosaur It Was
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sprite plastic bottle on table

94% of Plastic Recycled in 4 Hours with New Recycling Method

By: James Vuong, Journalist
Scientists have discovered a new recycling method that's air-powered.
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The Science Behind Homemade Candy

The Science Behind Homemade Candy

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
Have you ever wondered how to make candy at home, or at least the science behind it? Because it's simple, you only have to learn the basics before letting your creativity take over.
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Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

By: Samary Velasquez, journalist
Chemical engineering involves creating products from raw materials using chemical reactions.
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Arduino GPS-Tracker

Arduino GPS-Tracker

The ability to track others and items grants user the sense of security, because they are able to locate their lost belongings. The GPS-Tracker can also reduce theft and help users recover stolen goods.
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yellow and white alarm clock at 10 10

The Permanent Effect Of Routine On The Human Mind

By: Anas Abukar, Journalist
People sometimes ask, "What is muscle memory?" or, "Why does routine work the way it does?" We hope to answer these questions today in this article.
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An E-Glove Used To Help Scuba Divers Communicate

An E-Glove Used To Help Scuba Divers Communicate

By: Daniel Do, Journalist
Hand gestures are used to relay messages such as, "Shark!" and "I'm okay." To further advance the development of the e-glove, a volunteer held up 16 different hand gestures.
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Visualization of the coronavirus causing COVID-19

History of the Flu

By: Bryan Xi, Journalist
The flu, one of the most deadly diseases, has an extensive history of death and pandemics, but also one of resistance and developments.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology