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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Description	0-72 mph in 2 seconds, about 4.2G.
Date	10 August 2013, 12:35
Storm Runner hydraulic launcher

Uploaded by clusternote
Author	Paulo Ordoveza from Washington, DC

Hydraulic Launched Roller Coaster: What Went Wrong?

By: Jason Reznikov, Journalist
When they were introduced, hydraulic launches could produce the fastest accelerating launches, meaning that they could accelerate to speeds in a much shorter amount of time then the other methods available at the time.
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The Story Of The Deadliest Theme Park

The Story Of The Deadliest Theme Park

By: Will Cicale, Journalist
This is the story of the New Jersey water park, Action Park. The park was founded by Gene Mulvihill in 1978, who believed that people have the right to unbridled fun and adventure, though they also have to take responsibility for their own safety. 
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"Kingda Ka - Great Adventures" by Chun's Pictures is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

The Tallest Roller Coaster in the World

By: Jake Themely, Journalist

Kingda Ka, at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey, is the world's tallest roller coaster. Standing at an insane 456 feet tall, Kingda Ka offers a great and intense ride. The ride starts...

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"Six Flags Magic Mountain 003" by Roller Coaster Philosophy is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Six Flags is Quickly Going Bankrupt… Again

By: Jake Themely, Journalist

In the early 2000s, Six Flags went bankrupt before coming out of bankruptcy. This happened because Six Flags spent too much money on all of their parks and they couldn't afford to maintain them anymore....

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Picture Of Roller Coaster. Source:

Intimidator 305

By: Sadie Laughlin, Journalist
The tallest, fastest rollercoaster in the world.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology