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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



water droplets on a surface

The History of Nanotechnology

By: Preston Wichert, journalist
Nanotechnology is the science of working with super tiny things—so small, you can’t even see them with your eyes. The idea first came up in 1959 when Richard Feynman gave a talk about how cool it would be to control individual atoms.
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'Nanodot' Control Could Fine-Tune Light For Sharper Displays, Quantum Computing

‘Nanodot’ Control Could Fine-Tune Light For Sharper Displays, Quantum Computing

By: Aaron Amaya, Journalist
Discover the future of technology with nanodots! As research advances, these tiny marvels promise to transform everyday life by revolutionizing both immersive displays and cutting-edge quantum computing. Get ready for a world where sharper visuals and unparalleled computing power are just the beginning. The potential of nanodot technology is limitless—unlocking innovations that will redefine our digital experiences!
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Nanobots: Our Tiny Saviors

Nanobots: Our Tiny Saviors

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist

Nanobots are exactly what they sound like. They are tiny, miniscule robots capable of storing and applying medicinal content to the human body, among other things. Currently, the average nanobot is about...

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The wearable microgrid uses energy from human sweat and movement to power an LCD wristwatch and electrochromic device. Credit: Lu Yin

Wearable Generator Uses The Human Body To Power Small Devices

By: Lena Tosounidis, Reporter
It takes some serious technological know-how to develop a device that can use the human body as an energy source, and UC San Diego's nano engineers have done just that.
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Credit: UC San Diego

New Skin Patch Monitors Multiple Aspects Of Your Health Simultaneously

By: Lena Tosounidis, Reporter
Monitoring your health can be time consuming and require lots of expensive equipment, but in San Diego, the engineers at the University of California have created a soft and stretchy skin patch that monitors several aspects of your health all at once.
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(Left) diseased kidney & (Right) nano-treated kidney

A Pioneering Nanotech Provide Life-Saving Solution for the Kidneys

This microscopic DNA-based nanostructures as support for acute renal failure or injury. According to Interesting Engineering: "An international team of bioengineers developed a preventative measure...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology