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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



A large quarry dump used in mining operations.

Hidden Treasure: US Discovers $8.4 billion Worth of Rare Earth Metals in Coal Ash Landfills

By: Brian Argueta, Journalist
A groundbreaking discovery by the University of Texas at Austin has revealed $8.4 billion worth of rare earth elements hidden in U.S. coal ash, offering a potential solution to reduce reliance on imports. This untapped resource could transform America's approach to securing critical minerals, turning industrial waste into a valuable asset.!
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How Free Video Games Make Money

How Free Video Games Make Money

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
Many of the game we play are free, but how do they make money? In this article we will be looking into the many ways free-to-play video games profit.
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a penny sitting on top of a wooden table

The Minting of the Penny

By: Rachel Cao, Journalist
Is not minting pennies the best option? As you may know Trump recently ordered the stop of the minting of the penny. Many experts also agree that it is wasteful because it costs around 3.7 cents to produce one penny.
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two diamonds sitting on top of a pile of crushed glass

Diamonds: The Toughest Material On Earth

By: Angel Lobos Lima, Journalist
Diamonds are incredible. They are one of the most rigid materials on Earth.
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ford motor factory - black and white

Automated Mass Production – Are They Worth The Investment?

By: Christopher Yang, Journalist
The first full-incorporation of the mass production line was used by the industrialist Henry Ford, the CEO of Ford Motors and a pioneer in the strategies of production lines. He simplified the formula for efficiency by creating one chain of cars that were the exact same, so he could rely on non-specialized workers to focus on one section of assembly.
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1 U.S. dollar banknote on white surface

How The United States of America make it’s Dollar Bills

By: Hailemariam-lashite, Journalist
During the Inspection process the sheets of money are Digital computers analyze each sheet in minute detail to make sure that the paper, ink, and printing all meet the precise standards.
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a blue and white sign sitting on top of a table

The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

By: Luke Sangkharat, Journalist
Silicon Valley Bank, the provider for many VCs and innovative companies, has just collapsed and gone under. So why is this such a big deal?
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"Elon Musk Presenting Tesla's Fully Autonomous Future" by jurvetson is marked with CC BY 2.0.

Top 4 Richest People In The World

By: James crowley, Journalist
Here you will find the richest people at the moment.
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Top 5 Most Expensive Houses

Top 5 Most Expensive Houses

By: Dillon Hoyne, Journalist
Take a look at some of the most expensive houses and why their worth that amount of money!
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Image from the Seventeen Magazine

The 3 Highest Grossing Movies

By: Dillon Hoyne, Journalist
These are great movies and the most grossing movies of all time.
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What causes inflation?

What causes inflation?

By: Dillon Hoyne, Journalist
Why are gas prices so high?
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"Earth" by kristian fagerström is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Earth 2 Is a Virtual Earth

By: Widad Khalid, Journalist
Earth 2, is a futuristic idea for another earth; a virtual 1:1 scale version of Earth.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology