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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



grayscale photography of children sitting while eating near table

From Canned Food to Fresh Pizza: The Evoluton of School Food

By: Kyle Mcpherson, Journalist
When you think of school food, you think of things such as pizza, chicken pattys or even meatballs. But what if you went 100 years back, what would school food be like? and how would the enivorment and the food change.
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a wooden shelf filled with lots of jars of food

Preserving Food In Ancient Times

By: Rafan Haque, Journalist
Ancient people found many ways to make sure their food lasted longer. From drying to smoking and even fermenting, they mastered the amazing way of food preservation using natural materials and elements like heat, wind salt, and also smoke.
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Is Lunchly Healthy?

Is Lunchly Healthy?

By: Cooper Choe, Journalist
Is Lunchly healthy? It's not. Why not? The cheese is drippy, and it has multiple flavors! (Normal cheese and moldy cheese) Learn more about Lunchly in this article.
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The Science Behind Homemade Candy

The Science Behind Homemade Candy

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
Have you ever wondered how to make candy at home, or at least the science behind it? Because it's simple, you only have to learn the basics before letting your creativity take over.
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selective focus photography of green insect

Why (Or Why Not) You Should Eat Insects

By: Emma Huang, Journalist
Studies say that around one-fourth of Americans have Entomophobia, the fear of insects, and it does make sense. Insects are squirmy and filthy, and some even suck blood. But did you know that around 2 billion members of the world eat insects in their daily diet? So what's the deal with insect diets, and are they really better?
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person standing beside garbage bin

Manufacturers Utilize Expiration Dates to Maximize Profits

By: Rachel Cao, Journalist
"America wastes the most food out of any country at about 80 million tons of food each year. " "There are no rules against what a manufacturer puts as an expiration date which allows them to get a higher profit."
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Cultivated Meat

Cultivated Meat

By: Nylah Nasim, Journalist
Lab grown meat starts from cells, harvested from the base animal, such as a chicken or cow. But these specific cells have to be able to multiply, and become muscle and fat cells.
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3 yellow fruits on white surface

Potato Cannon

By: Kevin Alay Quintanilla, Journalist
Within the potato gun, it combines complex materials to create an intricate machine. This includes a barrel, pressure release valve, air container, and a filling chamber.
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Photograph of a Farmer Spraying Green Grass

Biodegradable Pesticide Sensor

By: Bryan Xi, Journalist
Hundreds of millions of pounds of pesticide have been used to kill pests like mosquitoes and rats nationwide. Despite these millions of pounds, only about half of the pesticides used reach their intended target.
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sliced cheese on black plate beside wine glass

The History of Cheese

By: Kairui Zhao, Journalist
Cheese, a delicious dairy product with a long history, has been around for thousands of years. People first started making cheese around 8000 BCE in the Middle East.
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3D Printed Foods

3D Printed Foods

By: David Leach, Journalist
3D printed foods - you've seen them in Star Trek or other sci-fi films. They are not as futuristic as you might think. You could have 3D-printed foods at your home within the next five years.
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The Chicken Nugget

The Chicken Nugget

By: Russell Wu, Journalist
The chicken nugget has been a staple American food for a long time. Whether it has been frozen or fresh prepared, it has found a place in nearly every American's life.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology