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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Firefighting drone.  Photo Source:

The Fire Drone

By: Alkinoos Provatas, Journalist
The fire drone is the only best drone that can take out fires with out putting firefighters in a great risk of death.
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Can Drones Help Fire Fighters?

Can Drones Help Fire Fighters?

Drones are an ever increasing aerial phenomenon, but they could be used to help a major problem. This is so important because of the recently released White House Climate Change papers, which state that...

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The firefighter drone

The firefighter drone

By: Trong Le

Scientists are working on a project that will help the world. They have made a drone that can put fires out easily on high structures that people can't reach. The drone uses a big battery to stay on the...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology