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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



The Future of Sustainable Engineering

The Future of Sustainable Engineering

By: Samary Velasquez, journalist
"Engineering is at the forefront of sustainability, driving innovations in renewable energy, eco-friendly materials, and smart technologies to build a greener future. From carbon capture to AI-powered efficiency, the field is evolving to balance performance with environmental responsibility. Explore how sustainable engineering is shaping the world of tomorrow.
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trees and sunlight

How Theater Productions Affect The Environment

By: Rory Bierhanzl, Journalist
Theater is a magical art form that entertains and inspires, but it also has hidden environmental costs that we often overlook. As the industry begins to embrace sustainable practices, it holds the potential to transform storytelling while protecting our planet for future generations.
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two gray blocks on shovel

Concrete Can Trap Carbon Dioxide To Decrease Pollution In Cities

By: Volodymyr Sliesariev, Journalist
Their findings suggest that nearly 45% of the injected carbon dioxide is successfully stored in the material, potentially lowering the overall emissions from cement manufacturing. If widely adopted, this innovation could play a crucial role in making the construction industry more sustainable and reducing the carbon footprint of urban development.
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Wind Power Turns Factory Waste Gas Into Fuel Daily Products.

Wind Power Turns Factory Waste Gas Into Fuel Daily Products.

By: Henry Dominguez, Journalist
Wind power is being used to turn factory waste gases into fuel, helping to create everyday products. This process reduces pollution and turns waste into something useful, making it more eco-friendly.
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white bird flying over the lake during daytime

Biodiversity Loss May Be More important Then We Think

By: Rory Bierhanzl, Journalist
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, from the different species of animals and micro-organisms, to the great expanses of woodlands and wetlands. Biodiversity is vitally important to the health of the Earth, as well as the regulation of our climate, and the loss that we are experiencing of our biodiversity could be the broken cog in the machine that brings our planet down.
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group of people crossing at the pedestrian lane surrounded by buildings

How Over Population Could Possibly Take Apart Our Planet

By: Rory Bierhanzl, Journalist
We have more affect on the environment that we could have ever imagined, and its important to keep in mind what we create, and how it could affect the world we've worked so hard to build. Although the rising human population could better our survival chances for the future, we have to take in consideration what we are leaving behind.
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a couple of signs that are on a fence

How Is Nuclear Waste Handled And Where Is It Stored?

By: Gregory Bosworth, Journalist
Nuclear waste is often considered one of the world's most difficult problems, in this article, find out what it is and how it is stored.
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Smart Cities

Smart Cities

By: Pranav Sharma, Journalist
As urban populations grow, engineering is playing a key role in transforming cities into smart, sustainable hubs. Smart cities use technology, data, and innovative infrastructure to improve energy efficiency, transportation, and public services.
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How Cats Affect The Environment

By: Rory Bierhanzl, Jounalist
The environment is fragile as it is, and now as we progress into a new era of technology, new information about how we continue to affect the environment becomes a bigger and bigger issue we face.
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By: Samary Velasquez, Journalist
An architect is .a person who designs buildings and other structures and prepares drawings and instructions on how to build them
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By: Samary Velasquez, journalist

  Topography is the study of the forms and features of land surfaces. It is a field of geoscience and planetary science and is concerned with general local detail, including relief and natural and artificial...

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The Engineering Behind Dams and Their Impact on the Future

The Engineering Behind Dams and Their Impact on the Future

By: Esah Sheikh, Journalist
Dams, the marvels of engineering, serve many usages and impact the human world. This colossal structure is a vital infrastructure for water storage, hydroelectric power generation, and flood control. As engineering and technology continues to evolve, the role that dams play shape the future as it becomes increasingly significant.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology