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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



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The Evolution of The Piston Engine

By: Griffin Wishrad, Journalists
This article is about the evolution of the engine and how the engine has evolved over time. The piston engine has had many different stages and innovations throughout history. The piston engine engine went from slow and weak to a very powerful and strong engine. The piston engine has mostly kept it's same design but has been built upon and improved. People have added more and more pistons, put these engines into different vehicles and seen how fast they can go, and these innovations haven't stopped people are making new innovations all the time.
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"Sherman Tank" by skuds is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

How Does A Tank Work

By: Teddy Dehn, Journalist

Tanks are generally thought of being extremely big, clumsy, and explosive, but that is simply a false myth. Tanks are built with the exact futures needed to have a mobile, hard to hit machine of pure destruction....

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The Future Isn’t What the Future Was.

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
In 1985 the movie Back to the Future was made and captivated the hearts of people all around the world. Four years later in 1989 a sequel was released set in 2015, 6 years prior to when this article was written. The movie painted a very colorful picture of futuristic gadgets and how the lives of people would be 30 years in the future. Lets look back and see how we compare.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology