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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Acer Chromebook 11

Why The Chromebook Is Hated

By: Elmer Hernandez Cruz, Journalist

Why are Chromebooks a problem Chromebooks have gained popularity due to their affordability and simplicity, but they aren’t the right choice for everyone. Here’s why: Chromebooks rely heavily on...

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Worlds First Quantum Computer Solves Faster Then Super Computer

Worlds First Quantum Computer Solves Faster Then Super Computer

By: Henry Dominguez, Journalist
Quantum computers are much faster than regular supercomputers because they can solve complex problems in minutes instead of thousands of years. They do this by using special particles called qubits that can process many solutions at once, making them more powerful than traditional machines.
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The Revolution of Computers

The Revolution of Computers

By: Wilmer Lemus, Journalist
Computers have been around for a long time, likely longer than you've been alive. The first computer was invented in 1822 by Charles Babbage, but it wasn't built until the early 19th century.
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MacBook Pro on white surface

How does a Computer Work?

By: Vihaan Patel, Journalist
We use computers every day that helps us in our every day. People use computers for finding things (Google maps), communication (chat), Gmail, and homework if you go to school. A computer is a delicate thing that is carefully put together to give you a product that is facinating.
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a person sitting at a desk with a computer and speakers

The Best 1000 Dollar Gaming PC Build

By: Preston Wichert, Journalist
What is the best 1000 dollar gaming PC that you can build? To start we are going to need a processor.
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Acer Nitro 5 Best And Most Affordable Gaming Computer In 2024.

Acer Nitro 5 Best And Most Affordable Gaming Computer In 2024.

By: Samuel Catindoy, Journalist
If you're looking for a good computer and you wanna balance performance and money can be a hassle especially when you just wanna game. Well what if I told you that I found both. This is the Acer Nitro 5,
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Creator: UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering - David Baillot 
Copyright: Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


By: Kirin Hanson, Journalist
Biocomputers (also called 3D brains) are 3D culture of neurons and brain tissue that mimic our brains. Biocomputers in the future could be more advanced than AI.
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a group of people standing next to each other

History of the Internet

By: Basheir Khalid, Journalist
The internet was first created by the U.S government during the raging Cold War. This was because the computers used to be big and immobile and the only way to transfer information was by moving yours to the other persons site. This eventually led to the creation of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), the network which eventually become the internet we know today.
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The Power and Performance of the GeForce 1080Ti

The Power and Performance of the GeForce 1080Ti

By: Tristan Pham, Journalist
The GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, a high-performing graphics card released by NVIDIA, has made a significant impact on the gaming and graphics design industry.
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a golden padlock sitting on top of a keyboard

A Guide To Antiviruses

By: Sir Pharaoh Carter, Journalist
Computer viruses are said to be everywhere but we almost never get them nowadays. Antiviruses are responsible for protecting us from those dangerous viruses that can steal and delete our information and without them the internet would be much more dangerous.
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Magnets That Shut Down Our Laptops

Magnets That Shut Down Our Laptops

By: Gavin Singhvi, Journalist
Magnets can destroy your laptops. Has someone annoying ever shut down your laptop with a magnet?
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Black and Gray Computer Motherboard

How Computer RAM Works

By: Desmond Kraft, Journalist
In this article, I will cover what RAM is and which one you should buy for your computer.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology