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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Human brain


By: Zouli Alexandratos, Journalist
Concussions are brain injuries. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.
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a woman sitting at a desk using a laptop computer

Gut Microbiota Are Able To Relieve Stress

By: Sofie Schopfer, Journalist
Gut microbiota, the things responsible for your food digestion, have been discovered to have the ability to relieve stress. Scientists are currently conducting studies to figure out whether or not this knowledge can be used in future pharmaceuticals.
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Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering

By: Samary Velasquez, journalist
They create and leverage powerful software and technologies to analyze and improve how organizations design, build...
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woman holding her face in dark room

Dead, Dying, Or Immortal: What Is Cotard’s Syndrome?

By: Sofie Schopfer, Journalist
Cotard's Syndrome: a rare condition that can cause people to believe they are dead, dying, or even immortal. There are only around 200 known cases of this condition, so how can we diagnose it?
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photo of a fruit fly

Fruit fly brain succesfully mapped

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Fruit fly brain has been mapped, using several methods and an AI.
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Finger Pointing to a Brain Scan


By: Sofie Schopfer, Journalist
What is Misophonia? Misophonia is a sound sensitivity that can cause intense reactions to hearing certain "trigger" sounds. While there may be no current cures for Misophonia, there are several different ways to lessen the severity.
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Human brain

“Biocomputers” Made Of Human Brain Cells Now Able To Be Rented

By: Basheir Khalid, Journalist
FinalSpark, the company behind Neuroplatform, is now offering a paid 24/7 remote access to its bioprocessors, which are based on human brain organoids.
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human brain toy

How Does Horror Affect Your Brain

By: Kevin Alay Quintanilla, Journalist
Horror is a feeling of fear and excitement. Horror gives a sudden rise in dopamine, adrenaline, endorphins, And the result of this is that it cause your brain to respond with the "fight or flight" response.
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blue and green peacock feather

Revolutionizing Brain Repair

By: Brandon Sang-Zheng, Journalist
The 3D-printing process, a significant advancement in the evolving field of biological tissue printing, involves the meticulous layer-by-layer fabrication of living tissue structures using specialized 3D printers.
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blue and green peacock feather

How your memory works

By: Maxwell Neuberg, Journalist
How Your memory works: 1. how its made 2. how it is stored 3. how it is remembered read more to find out!
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Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

The Affects of Stress on Your Brain

By: Evan Nghe, "Journalist"
How does stress work? Stress shrinks your brain.
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Human brain

Dopamine Isn’t Always Good for You

By: Nathan Cha, Journalist
While dopamine is essential for a healthy brain, too much of it can be harmful. Excessive dopamine levels can lead to several health problems, including addiction, anxiety, and depression.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology