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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Source: Library of Congress

Technological Advances in Weapons Throughout the Years

By: Josephine Huynh, Journalist
Wars have been started over many things, from something as insignificant as the killing of a pig to rising tensions and the assassination of a royal heir, we can see how people have disputed different matters throughout the years. Between all of the wars and conflicts that have happened in our world's history, there have been many technological advances and changes in the weaponry.
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man in brown and black plaid long sleeve shirt holding bow

History of Archery

By: Jimmy Mendoza, Journalist
A bow is a long and flexible staff with short string attached to the staff's two ends, which is why the staff is bent. An arrow, however, is a shaft with feather-type vanes.
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"Bow and Arrow" by jcubic is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

The Engineering On How Bows Were Built

By: Kian Abris, Journalist
Bows and arrow's are a very popular weapon. Its been featured in Hollywood movies, Tv shows, Anime etc.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
#bows and arrows