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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



blue and orange parrot

How Do Parrots Speak Like Humans

By: David Blanco, Journalist
The ability of parrots to speak like human is due to their unique vocal anatomy called (the syrinx) and their ability to replicate sounds. Parrots imitate sounds to learn and adapt to their environment and they also use it to try to interact with other parrots and their owners.
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selective focus photography of brown hen

Bird Flu: Skyrocketing Egg Prices

By: Rachel Cao, Journalist
You’ve probably seen the skyrocketing egg prices, and wondered what was happening. As you may or may not have heard, a flu by the name of the Bird Flu (H5 Bird Flu) has been going around. This widespread outbreak has affected the entire world even spreading to humans working in the U.S. Dairy and poultry workers.
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gull flying above body of water

Bird Safe Glass

By: Kaden Brock, Journalist
Nearly 1 billion birds die in the U.S. every year, stripes or dots are placed at most 2 inches apart are the best way of warning birds. Agustin Sanchez made a hotel with vertical white stripes 2 inches apart to reduce bird deaths, he then reported that he had zero bird deaths after implementing them.
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gray and black pigeon on brown surface

The Most Underrated Bird: Pigeons

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
What do you think when you see a pigeon? Do you think that they're disgusting? Because that's incorrect. In the 1930's, pigeons fell from popularity, they went from prized domestic animals with unique abilities to "rats with wings".
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black and blue peacock head

All About Cassowary Birds

By: Andrew Ma, Journalist
Have you ever wondered what bird is the most dangerous? Well in this article you will learn about the most dangerous bird.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology