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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



a bunch of croissants that are on a table

How Many Baked Goods Are Made

By: Ethan Chai, Journalist
A croissant is a layered pastry that is rolled up to be a sort of odd, yet iconic shape. You start the process by getting your dough, or making it yourself. Then, you want to fold the dough and add butter in-between layers, but don't use too much, and keep folding. Once you've folded the dough enough times, you then would roll it thinly, and cut it into long triangles.
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brown doughnut on white paper

How Bagels Are Made

By: Tyler Heironimus, Journalist
Bagels are a highly delectable treat, but they are also very fascinating to make! There is an interesting process behind making bagels and some intriguing history too!
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How To Bake Sugar Cookies

How To Bake Sugar Cookies

By: Teddy Dehn, Journalist
Christmas is coming, and so are the cookies.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology