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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Sir Pharaoh Carter

The Birth Of A Star

By: Sir Pharaoh Carter, Journalist
You may think that stars have existed since the start of the world or that they just randomly appear, but the creation of a star is one of the most complicated processes that you can ever learn about. In a literal sense, stars are very hot balls that are made of gases such as hydrogen and helium that are power by nuclear fusion but these stars don't just appear.
woman standing in front of the digital machine

A Guide To Epidemiology

By: Sir Pharaoh Carter, Journalist
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution of disease and it is used to find causes based on presence in different areas, exposure to different factors, and the lifestyle of individuals.

Forensic Science Explained

By: Sir Pharaoh Carter, Journalist
Crime can be found everywhere and stopping it as well as criminals is a necessity for our country to grow and stay safe and to do that, you need forensic science. Forensic science is the use of science in crime/law in ways such as investigating different materials and surroundings like a detective.

Reviving 100,000 Year Old Bacteria

By: Sir Pharaoh Carter, Journalist
Antibiotics and other natural microbial compounds are made by complex compounds produced by bacteria and we have only used currently living material to make these antibiotics but with the revival of old bacteria we can unlock a new world of antibiotics. Using tooth tartar from neanderthals and other humans, researchers were able to reconstruct many species from the oral bacteria.

A Guide To Antiviruses

By: Sir Pharaoh Carter, Journalist
Computer viruses are said to be everywhere but we almost never get them nowadays. Antiviruses are responsible for protecting us from those dangerous viruses that can steal and delete our information and without them the internet would be much more dangerous.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Sir Pharaoh Carter