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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Mohamed Hussein


Many people think that curling is boring. I'm one of those people.  But as it turns out, there's more to curling than I thought. Curling debuted in the Olympics in 1924, but didn't officially become a...

Air Hockey Table - Air Source

Air Hockey Table – Air Source

Air hockey is a very fun and exciting activity to do. One thing about air hockey tables is where and what their air source is. Most commercial air hockey tables use a large fan on the underside of the...

DIY Air Hockey Table

DIY Air Hockey Table

This article about how to make a DIY Air Hockey Table and what it needs just talks about the basic steps and materials that are needed to create an air hockey table. Step 1 talks about the requirements...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Mohamed Hussein