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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Michael Philipov

The Velkase Velka 3

By: Michael Philipov, Journalist

The Velkase Velka 3 is a case with dimensions of 189 x 96 x 218 mm (7.4 x 3.8 x 8.6 in) and an external volume of 3.9 liters and an internal volume of 3.7 liters. It's the smallest case that can operate...

Squirrels: They Take No Fall Damage

By: Michael Philipov, Journalist
How far do you need to drop a squirrel to kill it? It is estimated that a squirrel has to fall over 4.79 miles to die, because that drop would take so long that the squirrel would suffocate to death. But if we assume that the squirrel has infinite atmosphere to fall through, it would die in 480 miles due to lack of water.

The Ultimate Car: The Peel P50

By: Michael Philipov, Journalist
The Peel P50 is a 3-wheel super compact car meant to seat 1 person and was manufactured from 1962 to 1965, having no reverse gear at first, just a handle at the rear to be manually maneuvered

10 Fastest Manmade Objects

By: Michael Philipov, Journalist
The 10 fastest man-made objects are one of the most powerful inventions we have ever created, and the way we made them can be very interesting.
"Solution of Grade 9th Math problem" by arjin j is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

DeepMind Artificial Intelligence Assists Mathematicians

By: Michael Philipov, Journalist
The current AI can only complete 3: generate data, train supervised model (train itself), and find patterns.

Starbound: The Beginning of Your Adventure

By: Michael Philipov, Journalist

The game Starbound requires a lot of knowledge, or a lot of persistence. The controls can also be difficult to use, but more effective once a player learns how to control their avatar. There is a main...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Michael Philipov