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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Marcus Ryan

Monarch Butterflies And Their Life Cycle

By: Marcus Ryan, Journalist

Monarch butterflies or Danaus Plexippus are a species of butterfly who are known for flying together in great swarms while migrating in Autumn. The monarch butterfly begins as a egg laid in a concealed...

a sea pig being very cute

Sea Pigs, What Are They?

By: Marcus Ryan, Journalist
Sea pigs, also known as "Scotoplanes" are a deep sea genus of sea cucumber which thrive under the deep ocean. Their diet consists of mucus, fish feces, and dead plants. When something big, like a whale or shark falls into the depth, thousands swarm to the corpse to feed on its nutrient rich meat and bacteria.
You believed this didn't you

Nuclear Waste, What On Earth Is It?

By: Marcus Ryan, Journalist
Nuclear waste is a blanket term for a large amount of radioactive things. Not all nuclear waste is created equal, they are often classified into three levels.  The first level of waste comes in the form of lightly irradiated things, like hazmat suits and tools that came in close proximity to radioactive materials. This tier constitutes to 90% of total nuclear waste and thankfully so.

Cold Fusion, And How To Use It

By: Marcus Ryan, Journalist
Fusion is the process of taking to atoms, and smashing them together so much that they make a new element and in doing so, releasing huge amounts of energy. The sun produces energy constantly, and it does so by fusion.
A Shkadov Thruster

How To Make A Steller Engine

By: Marcus Ryan, Journalist
In the far future when humanity has mastered the Dyson's Sphere and nuclear fusion and we are planning not years or decades but eons in advance, we may encounter a threat like a exploding super giant, or a growing black hole. When something like this happens humanity is doomed right?
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Marcus Ryan