All content by Hibba Abbas
With the help of Northrop Grumman, we have created The Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center, a “K-16 workforce development ecosystem.”
Our mission is to develop great engineers with high levels...
Imagine yourself walking outside on a nice day, the sky is a nice blue. You look down and see what your walking on. You don't know what it is but your friend tells you that your on a salt flat.
Most inventions are accidents and hair dye was one. While trying to find a cure for malaria, William Henry Perkin accidentally discovered dye.
Tigers are the biggest felines. They are usually 6.5 - 11 feet long and around 200 - 680 pounds. Their orange color and black stripes really make them stand out.
Unlike the early 1800's were phones weren't even invented yet, nowadays almost everybody has phone. Social media is one of the top places where people go on their phone.
Natural disasters would be bigger and destroy more. Let's say we increase the mph by a lot and bring it up to 24,000 mph. The earth would be a DISASTER.