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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Erick Martinez-Gomez

All content by Erick Martinez-Gomez

The New Generation Of Console: PS5

By: Erick Martinez-Gomez, Reporter

The PS5 is most likely going to be available for 500 US dollars to 400 US dollars. Some of the specs of the ps5 is that it can run 4k resolution at 120 fps (frames per second). The PS5 has 448GB it can...

Hunter X Hunter

By: Erick Martinez-Gomez, Reporter

Hunter x Hunter is a very popular anime known throughout the community. The anime is about a boy named gon freecss who is on a search to become a hunter and find his dad. He meets many people and friends...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Erick Martinez-Gomez