All content by Ebenezer Gudissa
How to solve a 3x3 in 10 minutes. Learn it in 10 easy steps
The Hoover Dam was the highest dam in the world when it was completed in 1935. Its base is as thick as two football fields are long. Each spillway, designed to let floodwaters pass without harming the dam itself, can handle the volume of water that flows over Niagara Falls
Black Holes are created from a massive star collapsing on itself. There are two different types of black holes, stellar and supermassive black holes.
Nanobots can revolutionize the world curing many diseases. There are also bad effects of this because it could be made for military use and as surveillance.
Electromagnetic Fields are all around us, even if we can't see them. Electromagnetic fields can be found in many different places, For example, the electric power that we use in our homes is generated by large electromagnetic fields created by spinning turbines.