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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Brian Trong-Khanh Nguyen
Meub, Alex. “Simple Wood Arcade Stick.” Instructables, Instructables, 19 Feb. 2023,

#woodBOX Construction Of A Arcade Stick

By: Brian Trong-Khanh Nguyen, Journalist
Directions and list of materials to build an arcade fighting board.
"Baby Dinosaurs" by currybet is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

Is it possible to clone a Dinosaur?

By: Brian Trong-Khanh Nguyen, Journalist
Ever wondered what was the process of cloning a dinosaur? Or maybe why we can't clone it? This article is here to answer some of your questions!

What Are T-Cells and How Do they Relate To Covid-19

By: Brian Trong-Khanh Nguyen, Journalist
T-Cells are vital for eliminating most virus and germs. T-cells are also vital for vaccines being one of the cells that kills viruses.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Brian Trong-Khanh Nguyen