
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



All content by anonymous ham
Day 2 - Exo-Suit

Day 2 – Exo-Suit

After reviewing parts for the Exo-Arm I have found a reliable motor to move my arm. I'm going to apply the motor and add it to the Motor Driver and the Arduous UNO that I have. Motor Driver - VNH5019...

Exo-Arm Project - Day One, Planning

Exo-Arm Project – Day One, Planning

The Exo-Arm is a external attachment to your arm, it's meant to make the strain of lifting heavy items possibly less painful or exhausting. I will need to use multiple items such as a Arduino Uno, 5200mAh...

How to make a Retro Pie Console!

How to make a Retro Pie Console!

The Raspberry Pi is a very customizable computer, with its small size and decent power it can do all kinds of things. Instead of using a Raspberry Pi as a computer you can use it as a mini retro console...

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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math
anonymous ham