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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Angel Lobos Lima

Mercury: The Swift Planet

By: Angel Lobos Lima, Journalist
Did you know that Mercury is the second densest planet in our solar system, being right after Earth? Learn more about planet Mercury and its interesting characteristics.

Diamonds: The Toughest Material On Earth

By: Angel Lobos Lima, Journalist
Diamonds are incredible. They are one of the most rigid materials on Earth.

Space Rovers: Beyond Earth

By: Angel Lobos Lima, Journalist
The moon rover's mission is to discover the moon's origin and evolution, which will be known as the LUNAR-A mission. These actions of making space rovers will give us more data and more exciting things to learn about our solar system, and with this data, we will be able to explore and discover even more.

Antarctica: The Heaven For Marine Animals

By: Angel Lobos Lima, Journalist
Antarctica's weather is quite unique to say the least compared to the rest of the continents  its an ice cold place that is covered with snow and a big chunk of land. Though even if its really cold there are some green spots appearing on antarctica and its mostly because of climate change which is part of greenhouse gasses so it affect a lot of the earth's surface temperature.

Neptune: The Massive Gas Giant

By: Angel Lobos Lima, Journalist
Neptune was discovered in september 23rd 1846 By Urbain Le Verrier, Johann Gottfried Galle, and John Couch Adams by doing mathematical calculations Neptune has 14 moons of which one was unaccounted for it was discovered on July 1, 2013 and is known as "hippocamp" Neptune's smallest moon
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Angel Lobos Lima