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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Allen Chhu

All content by Allen Chhu

Axial Tilt

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist
The four seasons are caused by the axial tilt of the earth, also called obliquity, but what if the axial tilt of the earth changed?

The 5 Types Of Writing Systems

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist

Writing systems can be divided into 5 main categories: Alphabets, Abjads, logo-syllabaries, Syllabaries, and Abugidas. Below are descriptions of what each one is. Alphabets Alphabets are systems where...

The History Of Tetris

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist
Tetris was a video game developed by Alexey Pajitnov in the soviet union during the cold war era.

The Coriolis Effect Explained

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist
The Coriolis effect describes the difference in speeds of an object rotating on the outside of a circle compared to another object.

Fishery Officers

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist

What do Fishery officers do? Fishery officers patrol, enforce, and educate. They patrol the coast, rivers, and beaches for any illegal activities like fishing without a permit, overfishing, and ignoring...

How the Suez Canal got Clogged

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist
How did the Suez Canal get clogged? Check out this story to find out.

The Fastest Manmade Object

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist
What was the fastest self-propelled man-made object? Was it a rocket ship, was it a missile, or was it a manhole cover?

The War on Goats

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist
Many species can only be found there, like the Galapagos Tortoise. In 1959 three goats got on to the main island, and then around 14 years later, those three goats multiplied to an estimated 30,000.

Platypus Are Weird

By: Allen Chhu, Journalist

Overview Platypuses are weird animals. They seem to have been an inbreeding of several different animals plus a flurry of other weirdness. For example, platypuses are mammals but they lay eggs and they...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Allen Chhu