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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Abhi Palikala

All content by Abhi Palikala
Source: Forbes

How Good Is Apple’s Camera’s, Really?

By: Abhi Palikala, Journalist
You've heard a lot of news about the iPhone's camera. But how good is it, really?
"Hubble Finds Birth Certificate of Oldest Known Star" by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed with CC BY 2.0.

This Star Is Older Than The Universe

By: Abhi Palikala, Journalist
Unless you're in another dimension, you can't be older than your parents. However, this star is seemingly older than the Universe.
image sourced from

The Cadillac eVTOL Air Taxi

By: Abhi Palikala, Journalist
The only way to go is up! GM surprises with an eVTOL--an all-electric air taxi that reach speeds of up to 90km/h

Worlds Fastest Object Isn’t A Rocket. It’s A Computer.

By: Abhi Palikala, Journalist
One of the most difficult mathematical problems, which would take the worlds fastest supercomputer over 10,000 years, solved in 200 seconds.

The US’s New 6th Generation Fighter Jet

By: Abhi Palikala, Reporter
The 6th generation jet fighter comes with the most advanced (radical even) technology to date.

Elegoo Arduino Uno R3 -Thermometer Project

By: Abhi Palikala, Jouurnalist
How to build a computer that measures humidity and temperature., licensed by Creative Commons

Which Camera Is The Best?

By: Abhi Palikala, Reporter
With all the great options for your camera, it's easy to get lost.
Source: Star Treks fan site,

Antimatter: The Future of Propulsion or Expensive Waste?

By: Abhi Palikala, Reporter

If you've watched Star Trek, you'd know that the United Space Ship (USS) Enterprise achieves faster than light travel by smashing together matter and anti-matter to create nearly infinite explosions of...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Abhi Palikala